A word was given last night from a friend of a friend. He stated to be purposeful with your time - this stemming from a bible discussion on James 4. James 4:14 "...What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." He stated to be purposeful with your relationships or they will not happen. This is a quote taken from a friends wife who's husband has been diagnosed with brain cancer: "We have tried to live each day as if it was Travis' last. Family time has taken a different quailty and tone and is much more intentional instead of happenstance. It is hard living there. Harder than I ever thought would be possible. It makes every moment full of emotion that seems at times to tip the scales to overwhelming."
James 4:13-14 says "Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." I think God expects us to try and walk, to align our hearts with His and do our best with our time - being purposeful with it. Our time will be well spent if we live out of love for others - our time will be purposeful for we are trying to do what God put us here to do... to LOVE. We need not worry about anything else as it will all be provided - is that not what the bible says? I say this for me, to reitterate what the Holy Spirit keeps teaching. So I ask myself if I am living out of love so others may see God?
When we boil it all down and gain a true perspective is there anything more important than what Jesus did for us on the cross? Our life is but a mist that will quickly vanish - what are you doing while here? Is salvation not most important? I tell myself "live out of love knowing God will provide EVERYTHING".
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