Renewing My Mind

Renewing my mind will not come from my will power to change.  It will not come by my will power to be able to hold on to God's decree's and precepts, and apply these to my life.  I've tried....and I've failed.  Until I am able to see my God as the God He is and until my love for Him is true then I will not be able to conform to his likeness. My transformation will come from my love and desire to please Him.

The enemy tells me His word is to limit me - just the same as he told Adam and Eve.  He tells me Gods word is a barrier to "real life" and that I am being caged in.  But this is not the truth.  Gods word is guide rails to life - an abundant and fulfilled life. Does He not have our best intentions in mind? This I say to remind myself that He does. He has promised you the desires of your heart.

I am exceptionally blessed to have grown-up in a family where I am surrounded by love. Love was modeled to me in a beautiful way - sacraficial love. Never would my mother want to see me hurt, but would give anything and everything to see me "live" and see the desires of my heart being met. How much more does our Heavenly Father want this? His love is perfect!  Luke 11:11-13 says "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are eveil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"  What this means to me is that my Father loves me and will do anything for me. He loves me enough to discipline me and guide me away from those things that hurt me.  He loves me enough to provide for my every need - even when I don't understand how He is providing for it. Simply put He loves me and I love Him. I renew my mind out of this love.

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