Pepe, along with his favorite rawhide chew jumps up on the cover directly in front of me. Now in the past I would put my hand in the cover and start messing with him. I used the cover for protection because it would protect my hand when he tried to bite. In doing this I would always get mad at him because he would actually bite and growl like a crazy dog bringing my blood pressure to a boiling point. It was never a good outcome. However today I was able to fight back the temptation of messing with Pepe, and I will tell you this was not an easy fight for me. So I lay back content, feeling pretty good I did not give in to the temptation, and watching the Open. End of story? No, but I it could have been.
A little later as Pepe sat there chewing his rawhide Frances told me to put my hand under the cover and play with him, she said he would play back. I knew this would not be the case and even more so I knew what my reaction would be if he tried to bite me rather than play with me. I felt my heart rate rise at the thought of being bit and growled at yet I went for it anyway. I slid my hand under the blanket and Pepe tensed. I knew to stop. He started that low growl and my heart rate raised. I moved in closer and his growling increased, I told myself not to not go any further yet the adrenaline told me otherwise. The fight that could have been avoided I gave in to. I grabbed at his nose, with my blood pressure shooting up and adrenaline taking over, he instantly bit, this time, and the first time ever he got a good bite on my finger. Rage at this 20 lb. dog flooded my veins and the chain of events that followed were not played out real well......(disclaimer: the dog was not hurt in any way).
Now with Pepe on the floor and me looking at my finger, with heart rate through the roof, I laid back down trying to absorb what just happened and what went wrong in the whole situation. I thought to myself "why didn't I avoid the whole conflict?", I mean, I knew what was going to happen, I knew what my reaction was going to be and I even spoke it out before commiting the act. If you see a hornets nest, if you know it is a hornets nest, yet you go over and stick your hand in it, do you think you are not going to get stung? After you do are you going to be mad at God or someone else for you sticking your hand in the hornets nest? If I knew the outcome why would I continue? GREAT question, I sat there and thought the same thing. I was ashamed of my reaction and ashamed more in the fact I knew the outcome yet I proceeded to do what I knew I shouldn't. As I lay on the couch, trying to keep my heart from jumping out of my chest, I thought about my walk with our Lord and Savior. I asked myself the question "Why do I do things I know I am not strong enough to handle or I know are going to cause me to stumble, why don't I just avoid them?" I pray for God to point these things out and to give me strength to avoid them. I know the temptations will come yet it is my choice to honor them or not.
So I got down on the floor and apologized to my little friend Pepe. I told him I was sorry and that I should not have done what I did. I confessed to him that I knew what was going to happen and I should have just left him alone to enjoy his chew toy. I apologized out loud so he may hear and his owner as well. I humbled myself before the litte guy and my apology was fully accepted. I know this because he wagged his tail and laid down at my hand so I could scratch his behind. :)
More lessons to come from K-9 U!
1 comment:
Great story! I love the disclaimer! Way to humble yourself, D! That's the hardest, most painful part, I think. I feel I know Pepe so well. It sort of reminds me of my relationship with my wife. Just kidding, jess.
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