
“Long before I landed in Portland but shortly after my conversion to Christian spirituality, I experienced periods of affinity with God.

I would lie on my bedroom floor, reading my Bible, going at the words for hours, all of them like arms wrapped tightly around my chest.

It seemed as though the words were alive with minds and motions of their own, as though God were crawling thoughts inside my head for guidance, comfort, and strength. For a while, I felt as though the world was a watch and God had lifted the lid so I could see the gears.

The intricate rules of the sociospiritual landscape were something like a play to me, and I was delighted at every turn in the plot.

The truths of the Bible were magic, like messages from heaven, like codes, enchanting codes that offered power over life, a sort of power that turned sorrow to joy, hardship to challenge, and trial to opportunity. Nothing in my life was mundane.

Early on, I made the mistake of wanting spiritual feelings to endure and remain romantic.

Like a new couple expecting to always feel in love, I operated my faith thinking God and I were going to walk around smelling flowers.

When this didn’t happen I became confused.”

Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller (59-60)

Crucible for Silver and the Furnace for Gold

Proverbs 17:3 The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart.

The Quest study bible adds commentary on this stating, "...suffering allows the moral impurities in our character to surface. The heat of the hard times is designed to improve us, drawing us closer to the heart of the God."

Love not Fear

Profound statement I received today:

"I need to live my life in love not fear"