I use to think it glamorous to be the lone wolf, the tough guy, hard as a shell with an exterior and interior that nothing could penetrate. Nothing ever got the best of me cause I wouldn't allow my emotions to be at a point of susceptibility. Even if they were and got hurt I wouldn't let anyone know. I wanted to be a man's man, I could party with the best, get some of the girls, play sports and hunt. I worked hard for a manly body to compensate for my lack of being one. I did man things! I was a man - MAN!
In all reality in all my manness I think I lost it. All my decisions pulled me farther away from being a man. Was I a man for falling into temptaion conforming myself to the likeness of my peers by foregoing my values and partying and sleeping around and pushing my conscience to the side? Was I more of a man for isolating myself from others with the pride and ego of thinking I can do everything on my own and wanting to do it alone?
Thinking back on it now would it have been harder to stand up for the truth, to value myself and my peers and love them and fight for them, or fall to the ways of this world getting sucked into doing whatever feels good no matter what the harm on others or myself. Is it harder to hold on to your virginity until you are married or lose it? Is it harder to stand against your peers or run with them? Is it harder to isolate yourself or ask for help? It harder to forgive or resent? Is it harder to fight for your marriage or forget it? Is it harder to be faithful or a cheat? Is it harder to show self-control or a lack of it?
If you think yourself a man then step up and do the man thing, do what is hardest. When you find yourself not able to even come close to standing then ask for God, he will hold you up!
Don't know what I am saying here ask for the Lord to show you. Open your heart and get ready to be a man.
Think you are good? That everything is as it should be or as you were taught? Can't seem to pin point why you feel empty inside? Humble yourself and talk to God. He will give you an answer, you will feel it in your heart.