In reading this morning I came across this scripture:
Revelation 12:11 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."
What struck me was the word "death". I don't believe the scripture is talking about getting killed but rather about dying to self, taking up our cross. THIS is how they overcame the enemy.
Am I willing to die to self and take up my cross? What does that look like? What does that entail? How would I and my life change? I am worried about the challenges I would have to face, like persecution from my peers. Who would I become? Would God have me do something I wouldn't like? These are some questions that pop in my mind. His word answers all of them.... Do I believe it? Can I hold on to the word and die without having all the answers? This is up to me. I choose "yes", but I have not let go completely. How do I let go? How do I give it to Him? How do I know I have? Do I really mean "yes", or am I really just wanting a taste before I truly commit?
I have many questions but for now I choose "yes" and will try and do the best I can.
Live Like a Champion
Seeing Adversity The Right Way
Anytime God is about to take you to a new level you’re going to face opposition. There will be new battles to fight and new obstacles to overcome. It’s easy to get discouraged and think, “Why is this happening?” But we have to change our thinking and focus on the fact that on the other side of those challenges is a new level of victory—a new level of success. David would only be known as a shepherd boy if it weren’t for Goliath. David’s enemy became the tool that God used to promote him. And God will do the same in your life today. He’ll use those challenges and difficulties in your life to catapult you towards success! If you are going through a hard time today, if things look impossible, don’t give up now. Change your perspective and believe that God is working behind the scenes. Put a smile on your face and stand in confidence knowing that you are a child of the Most High God. When all is said and done, you’re not just going to come out of that difficulty, but you’re coming out stronger, wiser, and better than you were before! That problem is going to be the catalyst for God to open supernatural doors of opportunity for you! Stand strong in the Lord today and trust that what the enemy meant for your harm, God will turn around and use to your advantage. He’ll take you places you never dreamed and cause you to rise higher and higher in every area of your life!
-Joel Osteen
Anytime God is about to take you to a new level you’re going to face opposition. There will be new battles to fight and new obstacles to overcome. It’s easy to get discouraged and think, “Why is this happening?” But we have to change our thinking and focus on the fact that on the other side of those challenges is a new level of victory—a new level of success. David would only be known as a shepherd boy if it weren’t for Goliath. David’s enemy became the tool that God used to promote him. And God will do the same in your life today. He’ll use those challenges and difficulties in your life to catapult you towards success! If you are going through a hard time today, if things look impossible, don’t give up now. Change your perspective and believe that God is working behind the scenes. Put a smile on your face and stand in confidence knowing that you are a child of the Most High God. When all is said and done, you’re not just going to come out of that difficulty, but you’re coming out stronger, wiser, and better than you were before! That problem is going to be the catalyst for God to open supernatural doors of opportunity for you! Stand strong in the Lord today and trust that what the enemy meant for your harm, God will turn around and use to your advantage. He’ll take you places you never dreamed and cause you to rise higher and higher in every area of your life!
-Joel Osteen
The Bigger Picture
Reading an article by James McDonald called "Facing Uncertainty" he talks about Matthew 8:23-27:
Then He got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him!"
James McDonald has much to say about this scripture however his very last statement is what caught my attention. He says, "Let’s get our theology straight. Sometimes Jesus disguises exciting opportunities for personal growth as difficult circumstances. We would choose to avoid trials at all costs, but Jesus sees the bigger picture."
What is your bigger picture?
I think the next thing I will look at are the total paradigm shifts we face as Christians.....
Then He got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him!"
James McDonald has much to say about this scripture however his very last statement is what caught my attention. He says, "Let’s get our theology straight. Sometimes Jesus disguises exciting opportunities for personal growth as difficult circumstances. We would choose to avoid trials at all costs, but Jesus sees the bigger picture."
What is your bigger picture?
I think the next thing I will look at are the total paradigm shifts we face as Christians.....
Like Adam

We are like Adam. God had created Adam in His own likeness and image. Then Satan came along and told Adam, "If you'll do this, you will be like God." Adam already was like God, but he fell because he simply did not believe it. In the same way, we have been made righteous in Jesus. The tempter says to us, "If you will do this, it will make you become like Jesus." We are like Jesus already; yet we fall into his trap because we just don't believe it. So instead of what we do stemming from who we are, we try to make who we are the product of what we do.
If I think I must become something to be acceptable to God, then I must also believe that I am not acceptable to God in my present state. Hence, low self-worth, rejection, and fear rule in my heart instead of peace. I find myself striving instead of resting, doubting instead of believing. - The Gospel of Peace Dr. James B. Richards
The Year of Jubilee
Luke 4:19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
I am currently reading a book titled The Gospel of Peace by Dr. James B. Richards in which he explains the "acceptable year of the Lord" or the "Year of Jubilee". He says "Every fifty years all debts were canceled. Regardless of how legitimate a debt might be, it was canceled. The individual was free from the debt without any effort or merit on his part. The debt was canceled. By the debt being canceled, the penalty of the debt was also canceled. Every good Jew knew the penalty for breaking the law was the curses, as described in the old covenant. When those curses came, he knew he deserved it, He could in no way hold God responsible for the curse of the law."
Today, we still deserve it, but, as Jesus says he came to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Meaning through him we are forgiven. The debt is paid in full. There is no curse over us.
The song days of Elijah brings new meaning:
Behold He comes riding on the clouds,
Shining like the sun,
at the trumpet call;
Lift your voice,
it's the year of jubilee,
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.
Because of what Christ did on the cross for us it is the Year of Jubilee, NOW!!!
I am currently reading a book titled The Gospel of Peace by Dr. James B. Richards in which he explains the "acceptable year of the Lord" or the "Year of Jubilee". He says "Every fifty years all debts were canceled. Regardless of how legitimate a debt might be, it was canceled. The individual was free from the debt without any effort or merit on his part. The debt was canceled. By the debt being canceled, the penalty of the debt was also canceled. Every good Jew knew the penalty for breaking the law was the curses, as described in the old covenant. When those curses came, he knew he deserved it, He could in no way hold God responsible for the curse of the law."
Today, we still deserve it, but, as Jesus says he came to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Meaning through him we are forgiven. The debt is paid in full. There is no curse over us.
The song days of Elijah brings new meaning:
Behold He comes riding on the clouds,
Shining like the sun,
at the trumpet call;
Lift your voice,
it's the year of jubilee,
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.
Because of what Christ did on the cross for us it is the Year of Jubilee, NOW!!!
Revelation in Love
I never felt like I could love. I could see my heart and hear the voices telling me what my TRUE motives behind my love were. I never felt secure or pure in my love.
So I met with my pastor last night. He is a pastor I have a relationship with, we went to Africa together, he and my girlfriend collided in a friendly football game and her nose bled all over her. He gives hugs like a big Alaskan snow bear, picking you up and shaking you around like a piece of small game, but with the love, warmth and heart of the smiling Coke Cola Christmas bear gently sipping a cola, with her youth and releasing a heart felt smile under the bright moon lit night surrounding them.
My friend encouraged me to visit him, saying "Pastor's have a very special calling on their life. For these things, that is why they are here." So I went, praying God would show up and I would say or hear what he wanted. Maybe, I thought, I am going just to encourage him.
I will not go into all the talk however later in the conversation, me trying to find why I was in his office, not wanting to waste his time, he looks at me and quotes Matthew 22:37 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." He then asks me if I do. It took me a minute because I was having thoughts about being there and wasting his time, however when I realized he asked me a question I promptly said "Yes" because I know this to be true. He encouraged me by saying he knows that as well and can see it in my actions. He then asked me the second part of the scripture, I know this scripture very well because it was given to me when I was first saved and is the greatest commandment in the bible. I always struggle with the second part, and it has become somewhat an area of discouragement, because of how I felt about myself. I did not like myself, many times, I hated myself. Yet my Pastor told me I did like myself and I must like myself very much because I treat others with such love. Have you ever seen the rays of the sun fighting behind the cloud coverage trying anywhere to sneak out and touch the earth's surface? You stare, knowing the sun is there, hoping and praying it will win the battle and escape from the wall that holds it back. A ray escapes for a moment and then is gone then another and then... and then it seems like the sky is ripped open by the suns force revealing its majesty. This is how my heart felt! I was in awe of the entire revelation and could barely contain myself. Pastor kept speaking right into my heart telling me there was more to me, there was something wanting to break. He told me to let it go, to be who I was meant to be, the person God created me to be. He gave me a little of his story of how he was someone else and it was not until he got comfortable in his new shell that he was able to relax and be who he really was. I could feel all of this resonating in my body. I wanted to stand up, give out a shout, stomp my foot and run like Elijah coming down from Mt. Carmel to Jezreel (he out ran Ahab's chariots being pulled by horses!!!!).
We continued to talk and the pastor prayed for me. I am so thankful for having that meeting and thank God for speaking to me as he did. I am who I am, this is good, and I am able to love as God intended for me to love, this is really good. :)
I end by praying for continued guidance, wisdom and discernment for all our pastors and leaders in the church. I pray for the rest of the body as well. May WE walk in obedience to our Lord and Savior and continue all our days in love. This is all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
So I met with my pastor last night. He is a pastor I have a relationship with, we went to Africa together, he and my girlfriend collided in a friendly football game and her nose bled all over her. He gives hugs like a big Alaskan snow bear, picking you up and shaking you around like a piece of small game, but with the love, warmth and heart of the smiling Coke Cola Christmas bear gently sipping a cola, with her youth and releasing a heart felt smile under the bright moon lit night surrounding them.
My friend encouraged me to visit him, saying "Pastor's have a very special calling on their life. For these things, that is why they are here." So I went, praying God would show up and I would say or hear what he wanted. Maybe, I thought, I am going just to encourage him.
I will not go into all the talk however later in the conversation, me trying to find why I was in his office, not wanting to waste his time, he looks at me and quotes Matthew 22:37 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." He then asks me if I do. It took me a minute because I was having thoughts about being there and wasting his time, however when I realized he asked me a question I promptly said "Yes" because I know this to be true. He encouraged me by saying he knows that as well and can see it in my actions. He then asked me the second part of the scripture, I know this scripture very well because it was given to me when I was first saved and is the greatest commandment in the bible. I always struggle with the second part, and it has become somewhat an area of discouragement, because of how I felt about myself. I did not like myself, many times, I hated myself. Yet my Pastor told me I did like myself and I must like myself very much because I treat others with such love. Have you ever seen the rays of the sun fighting behind the cloud coverage trying anywhere to sneak out and touch the earth's surface? You stare, knowing the sun is there, hoping and praying it will win the battle and escape from the wall that holds it back. A ray escapes for a moment and then is gone then another and then... and then it seems like the sky is ripped open by the suns force revealing its majesty. This is how my heart felt! I was in awe of the entire revelation and could barely contain myself. Pastor kept speaking right into my heart telling me there was more to me, there was something wanting to break. He told me to let it go, to be who I was meant to be, the person God created me to be. He gave me a little of his story of how he was someone else and it was not until he got comfortable in his new shell that he was able to relax and be who he really was. I could feel all of this resonating in my body. I wanted to stand up, give out a shout, stomp my foot and run like Elijah coming down from Mt. Carmel to Jezreel (he out ran Ahab's chariots being pulled by horses!!!!).
We continued to talk and the pastor prayed for me. I am so thankful for having that meeting and thank God for speaking to me as he did. I am who I am, this is good, and I am able to love as God intended for me to love, this is really good. :)
I end by praying for continued guidance, wisdom and discernment for all our pastors and leaders in the church. I pray for the rest of the body as well. May WE walk in obedience to our Lord and Savior and continue all our days in love. This is all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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