I was listening to a pastor on the radio this morning and we was talking about running this race with perseverance (Heb.12:1). In speaking of "how" we do this he referred to our thoughts and what we were dwelling on. This was a revelation for me because my thoughts have been on myself. They have been about sex, fun, comfort, happiness and etc. I do have thoughts of others and wanting them to be happy, safe, to have their prayers answered and sicknesses cured, however, my main driving thought is me. In listening to the pastor speak of the "how" he said to focus your thoughts heaven, let your mind dwell on every aspect and detail of heaven, rewards, the rapture, being glorified and etc - have an eternal perspective. If our thoughts are focused on heaven then our actions will follow. I had a friend many years ago print and laminate a saying and hand it out to our bible study, is said:
"Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, the become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
This reminds of the story of the hungry wolves in your mind. One is a good wolf and the other is bad. The one you feed is the one that will grow strong and survive, the other will become weak and fragile until it is eventually taken over and consumed by the other. What wolf (thoughts) have I been feeding? They have not been eternal thoughts, rather, the lustful and selfish thoughts.
Focusing on eternity and the things of heaven was a revelation for me. My prayer, and please join in prayer for and with me, that my thoughts will be heavenly focused. That I will dwell on eternity and the things of God. I pray these thoughts will become my words, these words will become my actions, these actions will become habits, the habits will become my character, which will become my destiny. I thank the Lord for his revelations and none of this is possible without Jesus Christ having taken away all my sins through his death on the cross and providing his counselor (the Holy Spirit) to come dwell in me, to guide me, counsel me and watch over me.