If you could take a single moment, hold on to it, be 100% committed to it, squeeze every ounce of life out of it, shouldn't that moment be in the future and not in the past?
Love where you are and those who are there with you, take ownership of today, of every moment as it is its last, because it is. Is tomorrows mundane day at work going to be the same? No, you will encounter new problems, have new conversations, pass new people on the way to here and there. Today is a new day, this moment is a new moment. I may never have another chance to grow like I had at this very moment. I may never have another chance to tell that person the one special thing they needed to hear or give them a smile as I pass letting them know everything is ok with this world. I may never get out of my truck and see the sky painted as beautiful as it is today, or feel the breeze touch me in the way it did this morning. What if I can't run up the stairs as I did today, or walk into my workplace. The drive in was peaceful this morning with different thoughts and conversation taking place. The goals, my prayers for today all unique for this moment. Yesterday is gone, how can I learn, how can I grow, how can I seize this moment, this time of life. How do I hold on to it so I don't find myself tomorrow wondering what happened today. What slipped by, what could have been. How can I find myself in February 14th, 2008 saying I lived that day!? When someone asks me what I did today how can I actually answer them and not just say "worked", or "I don't remember" or "nothing". What nook or cranny can I grab and hold as a precious gem making this day the best day of any before it? Did I inch forward to knowing my creator better? Did I overcome a trial or temptation, even for a brief second, better then I have done in the past? In the midst of the mundane, the mediocrity, the grind, did I have a thought of hope of perseverance, of growth. Was I able to apply the word in some way, anyway? Was there anything about today that was better then the last? ANYTHING?
I like this scripture Phillipians 4:8 "Finally, brother, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."